"""This module contains the trainer class for training and evaluating agents."""
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Concatenate, Dict, Optional
from hydra_config import HydraContainerConfig, config_wrapper
from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import BaseCallback, CallbackList
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import (
from cambrian.envs.env import MjCambrianEnv, MjCambrianEnvConfig
from cambrian.ml.model import MjCambrianModel
from cambrian.utils import evaluate_policy
from cambrian.utils.logger import get_logger
from cambrian.utils.wrappers import make_wrapped_env
from cambrian import MjCambrianConfig
class MjCambrianTrainerConfig(HydraContainerConfig):
"""Settings for the training process. Used for type hinting.
total_timesteps (int): The total number of timesteps to train for.
max_episode_steps (int): The maximum number of steps per episode.
n_envs (int): The number of parallel environments to use for training.
model (Callable[[MjCambrianEnv], MjCambrianModel]): The model to use for
callbacks (Dict[str, BaseCallback]): The callbacks to use for training.
wrappers (Dict[str, Callable[[VecEnv], VecEnv]] | None): The wrappers to use for
training. If None, will ignore.
prune_fn (Optional[Callable[[MjCambrianConfig], bool]]): The function to use to
determine if an experiment should be pruned. If None, will ignore. If set,
this function will be called prior to training to check whether the config
is valid for training. This is the get around the fact that some sweepers
will evaluate configs that are invalid for training, which is a waste
computationally. The train method will return -inf if this function returns
True. NOTE: for nevergrad, it is recommended to use cheap_constraints.
fitness_fn (Callable[[MjCambrianConfig, float]]): The function to use to
calculate the fitness of the agent after training.
total_timesteps: int
max_episode_steps: int
n_envs: int
model: Callable[[MjCambrianEnv], MjCambrianModel]
callbacks: Dict[str, BaseCallback | Callable[[VecEnv], BaseCallback]]
wrappers: Dict[str, Callable[[VecEnv], VecEnv] | None]
prune_fn: Optional[Callable[[Concatenate["MjCambrianConfig", ...]], bool]] = None
fitness_fn: Callable[Concatenate["MjCambrianConfig", ...], float]
class MjCambrianTrainer:
"""This is the trainer class for running training and evaluation.
config (MjCambrianConfig): The config to use for training and evaluation.
def __init__(self, config: "MjCambrianConfig"):
self._config = config
self._config.expdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
get_logger().info(f"Logging to {self._config.expdir / 'logs'}...")
def train(self) -> float:
"""Train the agent."""
# Set to warn so we have something output to the error log
get_logger().warning(f"Training the agent in {self._config.expdir}...")
self._config.save(self._config.expdir / "config.yaml")
# Delete an existing finished file, if it exists
if (finished := self._config.expdir / "finished").exists():
# Prune the experiment, if necessary
if (prune_fn := self._config.trainer.prune_fn) and prune_fn(self._config):
Path(self._config.expdir / "pruned").touch()
return -float("inf")
# Setup the environment, model, and callbacks
env = self._make_env(self._config.env, self._config.trainer.n_envs)
eval_env = self._make_env(self._config.eval_env, 1, monitor="eval_monitor.csv")
callback = self._make_callback(eval_env)
model = self._make_model(env)
# Save the eval environments xml
cambrian_env: MjCambrianEnv = eval_env.envs[0].unwrapped
cambrian_env.xml.write(self._config.expdir / "env.xml")
with open(self._config.expdir / "compiled_env.xml", "w") as f:
# Start training
total_timesteps = self._config.trainer.total_timesteps
model.learn(total_timesteps=total_timesteps, callback=callback)
get_logger().info("Finished training the agent...")
# Save the policy
get_logger().info(f"Saving model to {self._config.expdir}...")
get_logger().debug(f"Saved model to {self._config.expdir}...")
# The finished file indicates to the evo script that the agent is done
Path(self._config.expdir / "finished").touch()
# Calculate fitness
fitness = self._config.trainer.fitness_fn(self._config)
get_logger().info(f"Final Fitness: {fitness}")
# Save the final fitness to a file
with open(self._config.expdir / "train_fitness.txt", "w") as f:
return fitness
def eval(
filename: Optional[Path | str] = None,
record: bool = True,
load_if_exists: bool = False,
) -> float:
self._config.save(self._config.expdir / "eval_config.yaml")
eval_env = self._make_env(self._config.eval_env, 1, monitor="eval_monitor.csv")
model = self._make_model(eval_env)
if load_if_exists and (self._config.expdir / "best_model.zip").exists():
get_logger().info("Loading best model...")
model = model.load(self._config.expdir / "best_model")
# Save the eval environments xml
cambrian_env: MjCambrianEnv = eval_env.envs[0].unwrapped
cambrian_env.xml.write(self._config.expdir / "eval_env.xml")
with open(self._config.expdir / "compiled_eval_env.xml", "w") as f:
n_runs = self._config.eval_env.n_eval_episodes
filename = self._config.eval_env.save_filename
record_kwargs = dict(
path=self._config.expdir / filename,
if not record:
record_kwargs = None
eval_env, model, n_runs, record_kwargs=record_kwargs, **callback_kwargs
# Calculate fitness
fitness = self._config.trainer.fitness_fn(self._config)
get_logger().info(f"Final Fitness: {fitness}")
# Save the final fitness to a file
with open(self._config.expdir / f"{filename}_fitness.txt", "w") as f:
return fitness
# ========
def _calc_seed(self, i: int) -> int:
return self._config.seed + i
def _make_env(
config: MjCambrianEnvConfig,
n_envs: int,
monitor: str | None = "monitor.csv",
) -> VecEnv:
assert n_envs > 0, f"n_envs must be > 0, got {n_envs}."
# Create the environments
envs = []
for i in range(n_envs):
wrappers = [w for w in self._config.trainer.wrappers.values() if w]
wrapped_env = make_wrapped_env(
# Wrap the environments
# Explicitly set start_method to spawn to avoid using forkserver on mac
vec_env = (
if n_envs == 1
else SubprocVecEnv(envs, start_method="spawn")
if monitor is not None:
vec_env = VecMonitor(vec_env, str(self._config.expdir / monitor))
# Do an initial reset
return vec_env
def _make_callback(self, env: VecEnv) -> CallbackList:
"""Makes the callbacks."""
from functools import partial
callbacks = []
for callback in self._config.trainer.callbacks.values():
# TODO: is this a good assumption? is there a better way to do this?
if isinstance(callback, partial):
callback = callback(env)
return CallbackList(callbacks)
def _make_model(self, env: VecEnv) -> MjCambrianModel:
"""This method creates the model."""
return self._config.trainer.model(env=env)