"""This is an optics-enabled eye, which implements a height map and a PSF on top
of the existing eye."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Self, Tuple
import torch
from hydra_config import HydraContainerConfig, config_wrapper
from cambrian.eyes.eye import MjCambrianEye, MjCambrianEyeConfig
from cambrian.utils import device, make_odd
class MjCambrianApertureConfig(HydraContainerConfig, ABC):
def calculate_aperture_mask(
self, X1_Y1: torch.Tensor, Lx: float, Ly: float
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""This method calculates the aperture mask.
X1_Y1 (torch.Tensor): Squared distance from the center of the aperture.
Lx (float): Width of the aperture.
Ly (float): Height of the aperture.
torch.Tensor: Aperture mask.
class MjCambrianCircularApertureConfig(MjCambrianApertureConfig):
"""This defines the config for the circular aperture. This extends the base aperture
config and adds additional parameters for the circular aperture.
radius (float): Radius of the circular aperture.
radius: float
def calculate_aperture_mask(
self, X1_Y1: torch.Tensor, Lx: float, Ly: float
) -> torch.Tensor:
aperture_radius = min(Lx / 2, Ly / 2) * self.radius + 1e-7
return torch.nan_to_num(torch.sqrt(X1_Y1) / aperture_radius) <= 1.0
class MjCambrianMaskApertureConfig(MjCambrianApertureConfig):
"""This defines the config for the custom aperture. This extends the base aperture
config and adds additional parameters for the custom aperture.
mask (Optional[List[List[int]]]): Aperture mask. This is a 2D array that defines
the aperture mask. The aperture mask is a binary mask that defines the
aperture of the lens. It's a binary mask where 1 lets light through and 0
blocks it. The mask can only be None if randomize is True or if size is
not None. Defaults to None.
randomize (bool): Randomize the aperture mask. If True, the aperture mask is
random_prob (Optional[float]): Probability of the aperture mask being 1. If
None, the probability is 0.5. Defaults to None.
size (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]): Size of the aperture mask. If None, the size
is the same as the pupil resolution. Defaults to None.
mask: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None
randomize: bool
random_prob: Optional[float] = None
size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None
def calculate_aperture_mask(self, X1_Y1: torch.Tensor, *_) -> torch.Tensor:
size = self.size if self.size is not None else X1_Y1.shape
if self.mask is None:
assert self.randomize or self.size is not None, "Mask or size must be set."
mask = torch.randint(0, 2, size, dtype=torch.float32)
if self.random_prob is not None:
mask = mask > self.random_prob
mask = torch.tensor(self.mask, dtype=torch.float32)
assert mask.shape[0] == mask.shape[1]
if self.randomize:
mask = torch.randint(0, 2, mask.shape, dtype=torch.float32)
mask = (
return mask > 0.5
class MjCambrianOpticsEyeConfig(MjCambrianEyeConfig):
"""This defines the config for the optics module. This extends the base eye config
and adds additional parameters for the optics module.
pupil_resolution (Tuple[int, int]): Resolution of the pupil plane. This
is used to calculate the PSF.
noise_std (float): Standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to be
added to the image. If 0.0, no noise is added.
wavelengths (Tuple[float, float, float]): Wavelengths of the RGB channels.
f_stop (float): F-stop of the lens. This is used to calculate the PSF.
refractive_index (float): Refractive index of the lens material.
height_map (List[float]): Height map of the lens. This is used to
calculate the phase shift of the light passing through the lens. Uses a
radially symmetric approximation.
scale_intensity (bool): Whether to scale the intensity of the PSF by the
overall throughput of the aperture.
aperture (MjCambrianApertureConfig): Aperture config. This defines the
aperture of the lens. The aperture can be circular or custom.
depths (List[float]): Depths at which the PSF is calculated. If empty, the psf
is calculated for each render call; otherwise, the PSFs are precomputed.
instance: Callable[[Self, str], "MjCambrianOpticsEye"]
pupil_resolution: Tuple[int, int]
noise_std: float
wavelengths: Tuple[float, float, float]
f_stop: float
refractive_index: float
height_map: List[float]
scale_intensity: bool
aperture: MjCambrianApertureConfig
depths: List[float]
class MjCambrianOpticsEye(MjCambrianEye):
"""This class applies the depth invariant PSF to the image.
config (MjCambrianOpticsConfig): Config for the optics module.
def __init__(self, config: MjCambrianOpticsEyeConfig, name: str):
super().__init__(config, name)
self._config: MjCambrianOpticsEyeConfig
self._renders_depth = "depth_array" in self._config.renderer.render_modes
assert self._renders_depth, "Eye: 'depth_array' must be a render mode."
self._psfs: Dict[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] = {}
self._depths = torch.tensor(self._config.depths).to(device)
def initialize(self):
"""This will initialize the parameters used during the PSF calculation."""
# pupil_Mx,pupil_My defines the number of pixels in x,y direction
# (i.e. width, height) of the pupil
pupil_Mx, pupil_My = torch.tensor(self._config.pupil_resolution)
assert (
pupil_Mx > 2 and pupil_My > 2
), f"Pupil resolution must be > 2: {pupil_Mx=}, {pupil_My=}"
assert (
pupil_Mx % 2 and pupil_My % 2
), f"Pupil resolution must be odd: {pupil_Mx=}, {pupil_My=}"
# pupil_dx/pupil_dy defines the pixel pitch (m) (i.e. distance between the
# centers of adjacent pixels) of the pupil and Lx/Ly defines the size of the
# pupil plane
fx, fy = self._config.focal
Lx, Ly = fx / self._config.f_stop, fy / self._config.f_stop
pupil_dx, pupil_dy = Lx / pupil_Mx, Ly / pupil_My
# Image plane coords
# TODO: fragile to floating point errors, must use double here. okay to convert
# to float after psf operations
x1 = torch.linspace(-Lx / 2.0, Lx / 2.0, pupil_Mx).double()
y1 = torch.linspace(-Ly / 2.0, Ly / 2.0, pupil_My).double()
X1, Y1 = torch.meshgrid(x1, y1, indexing="ij")
X1_Y1 = X1.square() + Y1.square()
# Frequency coords
freqx = torch.linspace(
-1.0 / (2.0 * pupil_dx), 1.0 / (2.0 * pupil_dx), pupil_Mx
freqy = torch.linspace(
-1.0 / (2.0 * pupil_dy), 1.0 / (2.0 * pupil_dy), pupil_My
FX, FY = torch.meshgrid(freqx, freqy, indexing="ij")
# Aperture mask
A = self._config.aperture.calculate_aperture_mask(X1_Y1, Lx, Ly)
# Going to scale the intensity by the overall throughput of the aperture
self._scaling_intensity = (A.sum() / (max(pupil_Mx * pupil_My, 1))) ** 2
# Calculate the wave number
wavelengths = torch.tensor(self._config.wavelengths).reshape(-1, 1, 1)
k = 1j * 2 * torch.pi / wavelengths
# Calculate the pupil from the height map
# NOTE: Have to convert to numpy then to tensor to avoid issues with
# MjCambrianConfigContainer
maxr = torch.sqrt((pupil_Mx / 2).square() + (pupil_My / 2).square())
h_r = torch.zeros(torch.ceil(maxr).to(int)) + 0.5
x, y = torch.meshgrid(
torch.arange(pupil_Mx), torch.arange(pupil_My), indexing="ij"
r = torch.sqrt((x - pupil_Mx / 2).square() + (y - pupil_My / 2).square())
height_map: torch.Tensor = h_r[r.to(torch.int64)] # (n, n)
height_map *= torch.max(wavelengths / (self._config.refractive_index - 1.0))
phi_m = k * (self._config.refractive_index - 1.0) * height_map
pupil = A * torch.exp(phi_m)
# Determine the scaled down psf size. Will resample the psf such that the conv
# is faster
sx, sy = self._config.sensorsize
scene_dx = sx / self._config.renderer.width
scene_dy = sy / self._config.renderer.height
psf_resolution = (make_odd(Lx / scene_dx), make_odd(Ly / scene_dy))
# Pre-compute some values that are reused in the PSF calculation
H_valid = torch.sqrt(FX.square() + FY.square()) < (1.0 / wavelengths)
# TODO: should this be fx or fy? could be different?
FX_FY = torch.exp(
* k
* torch.sqrt(1 - (wavelengths * FX).square() - (wavelengths * FY).square())
H = H_valid * FX_FY
# Now store all as class attributes
self._X1, self._Y1 = X1.to(device), Y1.to(device)
self._X1_Y1 = X1_Y1.to(device)
self._H_valid = H_valid.to(device)
self._H = H.to(device)
self._FX, self._FY = FX.to(device), FY.to(device)
self._FX_FY = FX_FY.to(device)
self._k = k.to(device)
self._A = A.to(device)
self._pupil = pupil.to(device)
self._height_map = height_map.to(device)
self._psf_resolution = psf_resolution
# Precompute the PSFs, if necessary
if self._config.depths:
def _precompute_psfs(self):
"""This will precompute the PSFs for all depths. This is done to avoid
recomputing the PSF for each render call."""
for depth in self._depths:
self._psfs[depth.item()] = self._calculate_psf(depth).to(device)
def _calculate_psf(self, depth: torch.Tensor):
# electric field originating from point source
u1 = torch.exp(self._k * torch.sqrt(self._X1_Y1 + depth.square()))
# electric field at the aperture
u2 = torch.mul(u1, self._pupil)
# electric field at the sensor plane
# Calculate the sqrt of the PSF
u2_fft = torch.fft.fft2(torch.fft.fftshift(u2))
H_u2_fft = torch.mul(torch.fft.fftshift(self._H), u2_fft)
u3: torch.Tensor = torch.fft.ifftshift(torch.fft.ifft2(H_u2_fft))
# Normalize the PSF by channel
psf: torch.Tensor = u3.abs().square()
psf = self._resize(psf)
psf /= psf.sum(axis=(1, 2)).reshape(-1, 1, 1)
# TODO: we have to do this post-calculations otherwise there are differences
# between previous algo
psf = psf.float()
return psf
def step(
self, obs: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor] | None = None
) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Overwrites the default render method to apply the depth invariant PSF to the
if obs is not None:
image, depth = obs
image, depth = self._renderer.render()
# Calculate the depth. Remove the sky depth, which is capped at the extent
# of the configured environment and apply a far field approximation assumption.
depth = depth[depth < torch.max(depth)]
depth = torch.clamp(depth, 5 * max(self.config.focal), None)
mean_depth = torch.mean(depth)
# Add noise to the image
image = self._apply_noise(image, self._config.noise_std)
# Apply the depth invariant PSF
psf = self._get_psf(mean_depth)
# Image may be batched in the form
image = image.permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0)
psf = psf.unsqueeze(1)
image = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(image, psf, padding="same", groups=3)
# Apply the scaling intensity ratio
if self._config.scale_intensity:
image *= self._scaling_intensity
# Post-process the image
image = image.squeeze(0).permute(1, 2, 0)
image = self._crop(image)
image = torch.clip(image, 0, 1)
return super().step(obs=image)
def _apply_noise(self, image: torch.Tensor, std: float) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Add Gaussian noise to the image."""
if std == 0.0:
return image
noise = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=std, size=image.shape, device=device)
return torch.clamp(image + noise, 0, 1)
def _get_psf(self, depth: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""This will retrieve the psf with the closest depth to the specified depth.
If the psfs are precomputed, this will be a simple lookup. Otherwise, the psf
will be calculated on the fly."""
if self._psfs:
closest_depth = self._depths[torch.argmin(torch.abs(depth - self._depths))]
return self._psfs[closest_depth.item()]
return self._calculate_psf(depth)
def _crop(self, image: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Crop the image to the resolution specified in the config. This method
supports input shape [W, H, 3]. It crops the center part of the image.
width, height, _ = image.shape
target_width, target_height = self._config.resolution
top = (height - target_height) // 2
left = (width - target_width) // 2
return image[left : left + target_width, top : top + target_height, :]
def _resize(self, psf: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Resize the PSF to the psf_resolution."""
return torch.nn.functional.interpolate(