Source code for cambrian.eyes.multi_eye

"""Defines a multi-eye system that procedurally generates multiple eyes and manages

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Self, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from gymnasium import spaces
from hydra_config import config_wrapper

from cambrian.eyes.eye import MjCambrianEye, MjCambrianEyeConfig
from cambrian.renderer.render_utils import generate_composite
from cambrian.utils import MjCambrianGeometry, generate_sequence_from_range
from cambrian.utils.cambrian_xml import MjCambrianXML
from cambrian.utils.types import ObsType

[docs] class MjCambrianMultiEyeConfig(MjCambrianEyeConfig): """Config for MjCambrianMultiEye. Inherits from MjCambrianEyeConfig and adds attributes for procedural eye placement. Attributes: instance (Callable[[Self, str], MjCambrianEye]): The class instance to use when creating the eye. Takes the config and the name of the eye as arguments. single_eye (MjCambrianEyeConfig): The config for a single eye. This is used as the base configuration for all eyes in the multi-eye system. lat_range (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): The x range of the eye. This is used to determine the placement of the eye on the agent. Specified in degrees. This is the latitudinal/vertical range of the evenly placed eye about the agent's bounding sphere. lon_range (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]): The y range of the eye. This is used to determine the placement of the eye on the agent. Specified in degrees. This is the longitudinal/horizontal range of the evenly placed eye about the agent's bounding sphere. num_eyes (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]): The num of eyes to generate. If this is specified, then the eyes will be generated on a spherical grid. The first element is the number of eyes to generate latitudinally and the second element is the number of eyes to generate longitudinally. The eyes will be named sequentially starting from `eye_0`. Each eye will default to use the first eye config in the `eyes` attribute. `eyes` must have a length of 1 if this is specified. Each eye is named `eye_{lat}_{lon}` where `lat` is the latitude index and `lon` is the longitude index. flatten_observation (Optional[bool]): Whether to flatten the observation space of the multi-eye system. If True, the observation space will be a Box space with the shape `(num_eyes * eye_observation_space,)`. If False, the observation space will be a Dict space with the keys as the eye names and the values as the eye observation spaces. Defaults to False. """ instance: Callable[[Self, str], "MjCambrianMultiEye"] single_eye: MjCambrianEyeConfig # private attribute used as a workaround to allow overriding eye attributes from # command line without adding single_eye in the argument. _single_eye: MjCambrianEyeConfig | Any lat_range: Tuple[float, float] lon_range: Tuple[float, float] num_eyes: Tuple[int, int] flatten_observations: bool
[docs] class MjCambrianMultiEye(MjCambrianEye): """Defines a multi-eye system that procedurally generates multiple eyes and manages them. Inherits from MjCambrianEye but manages multiple eyes. Args: config (MjCambrianMultiEyeConfig): Configuration for the multi-eye system. name (str): Base name for the eyes. """ def __init__( self, config: MjCambrianMultiEyeConfig, name: str, disable_render: bool = True ): self._config: MjCambrianMultiEyeConfig = config self._name = name # Generate eyes procedurally self._eyes: Dict[str, MjCambrianEye] = {} self._place_eyes() super().__init__(config, name, disable_render=disable_render) def _place_eyes(self): """Place the eyes procedurally based on config.""" nlat, nlon = self._config.num_eyes lat_bins = generate_sequence_from_range(self._config.lat_range, nlat) lon_bins = generate_sequence_from_range(self._config.lon_range, nlon) for lat_idx, lat in enumerate(lat_bins): for lon_idx, lon in enumerate(lon_bins): eye_name = f"{self._name}_{lat_idx}_{lon_idx}" eye_config = self._config._single_eye.copy() # Update the eye's coord to the current lat, lon eye_config.coord = [lat, lon] # Create the eye instance eye = eye_config.instance(eye_config, eye_name) self._eyes[eye_name] = eye
[docs] def generate_xml( self, parent_xml: MjCambrianXML, geom: MjCambrianGeometry, parent_body_name: str ) -> MjCambrianXML: """Generate the XML for all eyes.""" xml = super().generate_xml(parent_xml, geom, parent_body_name) for eye in self._eyes.values(): eye_xml = eye.generate_xml(parent_xml, geom, parent_body_name) xml += eye_xml return xml
[docs] def reset(self, *args) -> ObsType: """Reset all eyes.""" obs = {} for name, eye in self._eyes.items(): obs[name] = eye.reset(*args) super().reset(*args) return self._update_obs(obs)
[docs] def step(self, obs: ObsType | None = None) -> ObsType: """Step all eyes and collect observations.""" if obs is None: obs = {} for name, eye in self._eyes.items(): obs[name] = eye.step() return self._update_obs(obs)
def _update_obs(self, obs: ObsType) -> ObsType: """Update the observation space.""" if self._config.flatten_observations: obs =, dim=0) return obs
[docs] def render(self) -> torch.Tensor | None: """This is a debug method which renders the eye's as a composite image. Will appear as a compound eye. For example, if we have a 3x3 grid of eyes: TL T TR ML M MR BL B BR Each eye has a red border around it. """ if self._config.num_eyes == 0: return # Sort the eyes based on their lat/lon images: Dict[float, Dict[float, torch.Tensor]] = {} for eye in self.eyes.values(): lat, lon = eye.config.coord if lat not in images: images[lat] = {} assert lon not in images[lat], f"Duplicate eye at {lat}, {lon}." # Add the image to the dictionary images[lat][lon] = eye.render() return generate_composite(images)
[docs] def observation_space(self) -> spaces.Space: """Constructs the observation space for the multi-eye.""" if self._config.flatten_observations: shape = ( self._config.resolution[0] * self.num_eyes, self._config.resolution[1], 3, ) observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=shape, dtype=np.float32) else: observation_space = {} for name, eye in self._eyes.items(): observation_space[name] = eye.observation_space observation_space = spaces.Dict(observation_space) return observation_space
[docs] def prev_obs(self) -> ObsType: """The last observations from all eyes.""" obs = {} for name, eye in self._eyes.items(): obs[name] = eye.prev_obs return obs
[docs] def eyes(self) -> Dict[str, MjCambrianEye]: """Returns the dictionary of eyes.""" return self._eyes
[docs] def name(self) -> str: """Returns the base name of the multi-eye system.""" return self._name
[docs] def num_eyes(self) -> int: """Returns the number of eyes.""" return len(self._eyes)