"""Reward fns. These can be used to calculate rewards for agents."""
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from cambrian.agents import MjCambrianAgent
from cambrian.envs import MjCambrianEnv
from cambrian.utils import agent_selected
# =====================
# Utility functions
def calc_delta(
agent: MjCambrianAgent, info: Dict[str, Any], point: np.ndarray = np.array([0, 0])
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculates the delta position of the agent from a point.
np.ndarray: The delta position of the agent from the point
(i.e. current - prev).
current_distance = np.linalg.norm(agent.pos - point)
prev_distance = np.linalg.norm(info["prev_pos"] - point)
return current_distance - prev_distance
def calc_quickness(env: MjCambrianEnv) -> float:
"""Calculates the quickness of the agent."""
return (
max(env.max_episode_steps - env.episode_step, 0.0) / env.max_episode_steps
) ** (1 / 2)
def apply_reward_fn(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
reward_fn: Callable[..., float],
for_agents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
scale_by_quickness: bool = False,
disable: bool = False,
disable_on_max_episode_steps: bool = False,
) -> float:
"""Applies the reward function to the agent if it is in the for_agents list."""
if disable or not agent_selected(agent, for_agents):
return 0.0
if disable_on_max_episode_steps and env.episode_step >= env.max_episode_steps - 1:
return 0.0
factor = calc_quickness(env) if scale_by_quickness else 1.0
return reward_fn() * factor
# =====================
# Reward functions
def reward_fn_constant(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
reward: float,
) -> float:
"""Returns a constant reward."""
return apply_reward_fn(env, agent, reward_fn=lambda: reward, **kwargs)
def reward_fn_done(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
termination_reward: float = 0.0,
truncation_reward: float = 0.0,
) -> float:
"""Rewards the agent if the episode is done. Termination indicates a successful
episode, while truncation indicates an unsuccessful episode. If the time limit is
reached, this is considered a termination. Applying a reward in this case can be
disabled with the ``disable_on_max_episode_steps`` keyword argument.
Keyword Args:
termination_reward (float): The reward to give the agent if the episode is
terminated. Defaults to 0.
truncation_reward (float): The reward to give the agent if the episode is
truncated. Defaults to 0.
def calc_reward():
reward = 0.0
if terminated:
reward += termination_reward
if truncated:
reward += truncation_reward
return reward
return apply_reward_fn(
def reward_fn_euclidean_delta_from_init(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
reward: float = 1.0,
) -> float:
"""Rewards the change in distance over the previous step."""
return apply_reward_fn(
reward_fn=lambda: calc_delta(agent, info, agent.init_pos) * reward,
def reward_fn_euclidean_delta_to_agent(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
reward: float,
to_agents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
Rewards the change in distance to any enabled agent over the previous step.
Convention is that a positive reward indicates getting closer to the agent.
def calc_deltas() -> float:
accumulated_reward = 0.0
for other_agent in env.agents.values():
if not agent_selected(other_agent, to_agents):
# NOTE: calc_delta returns a positive value if the agent moves away from the
# agent. We'll multiple by -1 to flip the convention.
delta = -reward * calc_delta(agent, info, other_agent.pos)
accumulated_reward = delta
return accumulated_reward
return apply_reward_fn(env, agent, reward_fn=calc_deltas, **kwargs)
def reward_fn_agent_respawned(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
reward: float,
) -> float:
"""This reward function rewards the agent if it has been respawned."""
return apply_reward_fn(
reward_fn=lambda: reward if info.get("respawned", False) else 0.0,
def reward_fn_close_to_agent(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
reward: float,
distance_threshold: float,
from_agents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
to_agents: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> float:
"""This reward function rewards the agent if it is close to another agent.
Keyword Args:
reward (float): The reward to give the agent if it is close to another agent.
Default is 0.
distance_threshold (float): The distance threshold to check if the agent is
close to another agent.
from_agents (Optional[List[str]]): The names of the agents that the reward
should be calculated from. If None, the reward will be calculated from all
to_agents (Optional[List[str]]): The names of the agents that the reward
should be calculated to. If None, the reward will be calculated to all
def calc_deltas():
accumulated_reward = 0
for agent_name, agent in env.agents.items():
if from_agents is not None and agent_name not in from_agents:
for other_agent_name, other_agent in env.agents.items():
if to_agents is not None and other_agent_name not in to_agents:
if agent_name == other_agent_name:
if np.linalg.norm(agent.pos - other_agent.pos) < distance_threshold:
accumulated_reward += reward
return accumulated_reward
return apply_reward_fn(env, agent, reward_fn=calc_deltas, **kwargs)
def reward_fn_action(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
reward: float,
index: int | None = None,
normalize: bool = False,
absolute: bool = False,
) -> float:
"""Rewards the agent based on the action taken.
Keyword Args:
reward (float): The reward to give the agent if the action is taken.
index (Optional[int]): The index of the action to use for the reward. If None,
the sum of the action is used.
normalize (bool): Whether to normalize the action to be in the range [0, 1).
absolute (bool): Whether to use the absolute value of the action.
def calc_reward():
nonlocal reward
action = info.get("action")
if action is None or len(action) == 0:
return 0.0
if normalize:
action_space = agent.action_space
assert isinstance(
action_space, gym.spaces.Box
), "Action space must be a Box space"
action = (action - action_space.low) / (
action_space.high - action_space.low
if absolute:
action = np.abs(action)
if index is None:
reward *= sum(action)
assert (
0 <= index < len(action)
), f"Invalid index {index} for action {action}"
reward *= action[index]
return reward
return apply_reward_fn(env, agent, reward_fn=calc_reward, **kwargs)
def reward_combined(
env: MjCambrianEnv,
agent: MjCambrianAgent,
terminated: bool,
truncated: bool,
info: Dict[str, Any],
exclusive_fns: List[str] = [],
) -> float:
"""Combines multiple reward functions into one.
Keyword Args:
exclusive_fns (Optional[List[str]]): If provided, only the reward functions
with this name will be used if it's non-zero. As in, in order, the first
function to return a non-zero reward will be returned.
accumulated_reward = 0
for name, fn in reward_fns.items():
reward = fn(env, agent, terminated, truncated, info)
if name in exclusive_fns and reward != 0:
return reward
accumulated_reward += reward
return accumulated_reward