Source code for cambrian.agents.object

"""Defines a static agent which does not learn. This is useful for defining objects in
the environment."""

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List

from cambrian.agents.agent import MjCambrianAgent2D, MjCambrianAgentConfig

    from cambrian.envs.env import MjCambrianEnv

[docs] class MjCambrianAgentObject(MjCambrianAgent2D): """This is a class which defines an object agent. An object agent is essentially a non-trainable agent. It's simply an object in the environment which has no observations or actions. """ def __init__( self, config: MjCambrianAgentConfig, name: str, ): assert not config.trainable, "Object agents cannot be trainable" super().__init__(config, name)
[docs] def get_action_privileged(self, _: "MjCambrianEnv") -> List[float]: return []