.. py:module:: cambrian.utils.cambrian_xml
.. autoapi-nested-parse::
This module provides a helper class for manipulating mujoco xml files. It provides
some helper methods that wrap the `xml` library. This is useful for modifying mujoco xml
files in a programmatic way. MjSpec has since provided functionality directly in
Mujoco to support this functionality.
.. autoapisummary::
.. autoapisummary::
.. autoapisummary::
Module Contents
.. py:data:: MjCambrianXMLConfig
:type: TypeAlias
:value: HydraContainerConfig | List[Dict[str, Self]]
List[Dict[str, Self]]
OmegaConf complains since we have a Dict inside a List
We use a list here because then we can have non-unique keys.
This defines a custom XML config. This can be used to define custom XMLs which
are built from during the initialization phase of the environment. The config is
structured as follows:
.. code-block:: yaml
- parent_key1:
- child_key1:
- attr1: val1
- attr2: val2
- child_key2:
- attr1: val1
- attr2: val2
- child_key1:
- child_key2:
- attr1: ${parent_key1.child_key1.attr2}
- child_key2:
- child_key3: ${parent_key1.child_key1}
which will construct an XML that looks like:
.. code-block:: xml
This is a verbose representation for XML files. This is done
to allow interpolation through Hydra/OmegaConf in the XML files and without the need
for a complex XML parser OmegaConf resolver.
:type: Actual type
.. py:class:: MjCambrianXML(base_xml_path, *, overrides = None)
Helper class for manipulating mujoco xml files. Provides some helper methods for
that wrap the `xml` library.
:Parameters: **base_xml_path** (*Path | str*) -- The path to the base xml file to load.
:keyword overrides: The xml config to override the base
xml file with. This is a list of dictionaries. See `MjCambrianXMLConfig`
for more information.
:kwtype overrides: Optional[MjCambrianXMLConfig]
.. py:method:: load(path)
Load the xml from a file.
.. py:method:: write(path)
Write the xml to a file. Will pretty write the xml.
.. py:method:: make_empty()
Loads an empty mujoco xml file. Only has the `mujoco` and worldbody
.. py:method:: from_string(xml_string)
Loads the xml from a string.
.. py:method:: from_config(config)
Adds to the xml based on the passed config.
The MjCambrianXMLConfig is structured as follows:
.. code-block:: yaml
- parent_key:
- child_key:
- attribute_key: attribute_value
- subchild_key:
- attribute_key: attribute_value
- attribute_key: attribute_value
- subchild_key:
- subsubchild_key: attribute_value
This would create the following xml:
.. code-block:: xml
We need to walk though the XMLConfig and update it recursively.
See `MjCambrianXMLConfig` for more information.
.. py:method:: parse(xml_string, *, overrides = None)
This is a helper method to parse an xml file with overrides.
.. py:method:: add(parent, tag, *args, **kwargs)
Add an element to the xml tree.
:Parameters: * **parent** (*ET.Element*) -- The parent element to add the new element to.
* **tag** (*str*) -- The tag of the new element.
* **\*args** -- The arguments to pass to the `ET.SubElement` call.
* **\*\*kwargs** -- The keyword arguments to pass to the `ET.SubElement` call.
.. py:method:: remove(parent, element)
Remove an element from the xml tree.
:Parameters: * **parent** (*ET.Element*) -- The parent element to remove the element from.
* **element** (*ET.Element*) -- The element to remove.
.. py:method:: find(tag, *, _all = False, **kwargs)
Find an element by tag.
If any additional keyword arguments are passed, they will be used to filter the
elements, as in the element must have the attribute and it must be equal to the
value. In this case, `ET.iterfind` will be used. It uses the predicates
described here: #supported-xpath-syntax.
If no keyword arguments are passed, `ET.find` will be used.
If not found, `None` will be returned.
:Parameters: * **tag** (*str*) -- The tag of the element to find.
* **_all** (*bool*) -- If true, will use `ET.findall`, else `ET.find`.
* **\*\*kwargs** -- The keyword arguments to filter the elements by.
:returns: *List[ET.Element] | ET.Element | None* --
The element or `None` if not found. If
`_all` is true, a list of elements will be returned.
.. py:method:: findall(tag, **kwargs)
Alias for `find(tag, _all=True, **kwargs)`.
.. py:method:: get_path(element)
Get the path of an element in the xml tree. Unfortunately, there is no
built-in way to do this. We'll just iterate up the tree and build the path.
:Parameters: **element** (*ET.Element*) -- The element to get the path to.
:returns: *Tuple[List[ET.Element], str]* -- The list of elements in the path and the
string representation of the path. The list of elements is ordered from root
down to the passed element. NOTE: the root is _not_ included in the list.
.. py:method:: combine(root, other)
Combines two xml trees. Preferred to be called through the `+` or `+=`
Taken from here:
.. py:property:: root
:type: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
The root element of the xml tree.
.. py:property:: base_dir
:type: pathlib.Path
The directory of the base xml file.
.. py:method:: to_string()
This pretty prints the xml to a string. toprettyxml adds a newline at the end
of the string, so we'll remove any empty lines.
.. py:method:: to_spec()
Convert the xml to a mujoco spec.
.. py:function:: convert_xml_to_yaml(base_xml_path, *, overrides = None)
This is a helper method to convert an xml file to a yaml file.
This is for loading and overriding an xml file from the yaml config files. We have
to convert the xml to yaml in order to apply interpolations in the yaml file. Like,
to support ${parent:xml} (which evaluates the xml parent name) in the xml, we have
to convert the xml to yaml and then apply the interpolations.