cambrian.renderer ================= .. py:module:: cambrian.renderer .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This module defines the Cambrian renderer. Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 /reference/api/cambrian/renderer/overlays/index /reference/api/cambrian/renderer/render_utils/index /reference/api/cambrian/renderer/renderer/index Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: cambrian.renderer.MjCambrianRenderer cambrian.renderer.MjCambrianRendererConfig cambrian.renderer.MjCambrianRendererSaveMode Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: cambrian.renderer.convert_depth_distances cambrian.renderer.resize_with_aspect_fill Package Contents ---------------- .. py:function:: convert_depth_distances(model, depth) Converts depth values from OpenGL to metric depth values using PyTorch. :Parameters: * **model** (*mj.MjModel*) -- The model. * **depth** (*torch.Tensor*) -- The depth values to convert. :returns: *torch.Tensor* -- The converted depth values. .. note:: This function is based on [this code]( python/mujoco/ It is adapted to use PyTorch instead of NumPy. .. py:function:: resize_with_aspect_fill(images, height, width) Resize the image while maintaining the aspect ratio and filling the rest with black. .. py:class:: MjCambrianRenderer(config) The renderer for rendering scenes. This is essentially a wrapper around the mujoco viewer/renderer. :Parameters: **config** (*MjCambrianRendererConfig*) -- The config to use for the renderer. :ivar metadata: The metadata for the renderer. The render modes are stored here. :vartype metadata: Dict[str, List[str]] .. py:class:: MjCambrianRendererConfig Bases: :py:obj:`hydra_config.HydraContainerConfig` The config for the renderer. Used for type hinting. A renderer corresponds to a single camera. The renderer can then view the scene in different ways, like offscreen (rgb_array) or onscreen (human). :ivar render_modes: The render modes to use for the renderer. See `MjCambrianRenderer.metadata["render.modes"]` for options. :vartype render_modes: List[str] :ivar width: The width of the rendered image. For onscreen renderers, if this is set, the window cannot be resized. Must be set for offscreen renderers. :vartype width: Optional[int] :ivar height: The height of the rendered image. For onscreen renderers, if this is set, the window cannot be resized. Must be set for offscreen renderers. :vartype height: Optional[int] :ivar fullscreen: Whether to render in fullscreen or not. If True, the width and height are ignored and the window is rendered in fullscreen. This is only valid for onscreen renderers. :vartype fullscreen: Optional[bool] :ivar scene: The scene to render. :vartype scene: Type[mj.MjvScene] :ivar scene_options: The options to use for rendering. :vartype scene_options: mj.MjvOption :ivar camera: The camera to use for rendering. :vartype camera: mj.MjvCamera :ivar use_shared_context: Whether to use a shared context or not. If True, the renderer will share a context with other renderers. This is useful for rendering multiple renderers at the same time. If False, the renderer will create its own context. This is computationally expensive if there are many renderers. :vartype use_shared_context: bool :ivar save_mode: The save modes to use for saving the rendered images. See `MjCambrianRenderer.SaveMode` for options. Must be set if `save` is called without save modes passed directly. :vartype save_mode: Optional[MjCambrianRendererSaveMode] .. py:class:: MjCambrianRendererSaveMode(*args, **kwds) Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Flag` The save modes for saving rendered images.