=================== .. py:module:: .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This module contains the trainer class for training and evaluating agents. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: MjCambrianTrainerConfig Bases: :py:obj:`hydra_config.HydraContainerConfig` Settings for the training process. Used for type hinting. :ivar total_timesteps: The total number of timesteps to train for. :vartype total_timesteps: int :ivar max_episode_steps: The maximum number of steps per episode. :vartype max_episode_steps: int :ivar n_envs: The number of parallel environments to use for training. :vartype n_envs: int :ivar model: The model to use for training. :vartype model: Callable[[MjCambrianEnv], MjCambrianModel] :ivar callbacks: The callbacks to use for training. :vartype callbacks: Dict[str, BaseCallback] :ivar wrappers: The wrappers to use for training. If None, will ignore. :vartype wrappers: Dict[str, Callable[[VecEnv], VecEnv]] | None :ivar prune_fn: The function to use to determine if an experiment should be pruned. If None, will ignore. If set, this function will be called prior to training to check whether the config is valid for training. This is the get around the fact that some sweepers will evaluate configs that are invalid for training, which is a waste computationally. The train method will return -inf if this function returns True. NOTE: for nevergrad, it is recommended to use cheap_constraints. :vartype prune_fn: Optional[Callable[[MjCambrianConfig], bool]] :ivar fitness_fn: The function to use to calculate the fitness of the agent after training. :vartype fitness_fn: Callable[[MjCambrianConfig, float]] .. py:class:: MjCambrianTrainer(config) This is the trainer class for running training and evaluation. :Parameters: **config** (*MjCambrianConfig*) -- The config to use for training and evaluation. .. py:method:: train() Train the agent.