cambrian.agents.agent ===================== .. py:module:: cambrian.agents.agent .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Defines agent classes. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: cambrian.agents.agent.MjCambrianAgentConfig cambrian.agents.agent.MjCambrianAgent cambrian.agents.agent.MjCambrianAgent2D Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: MjCambrianAgentConfig Bases: :py:obj:`hydra_config.HydraContainerConfig` Defines the config for an agent. Used for type hinting. :ivar instance: The class instance for the agent. This is used to create the agent. Takes the config, the name, and the index of the agent as arguments. :vartype instance: Callable[[Self, str, int], "MjCambrianAgent"] :ivar trainable: Whether the agent is trainable or not. If the agent is trainable, it's observations will be included in the observation space of the environment and the model's output actions will be applied to the agent. If the agent is not trainable, the agent's policy can be defined by overriding the `get_action_privileged` method. :vartype trainable: bool :ivar use_privileged_action: This is similar to `trainable`, but the agent's action and observation spaces is included in the environment's action and observation spaces, respectively. This is useful for agents that are trainable, but have some special logic that needs to be implemented in the `get_action_privileged` method. `trainable` takes precedence over this attribute, as in if `trainable` is False, this attribute is ignored. :vartype use_privileged_action: bool :ivar overlay_color: The color to use in the visualization of the agent. :vartype overlay_color: Tuple[float, float, float, float] :ivar overlay_size: The size of the overlay in the visualization of the agent. :vartype overlay_size: float :ivar xml: The xml for the agent. This is the xml that will be used to create the agent. You should use ${parent:xml} to generate named attributes. This will search upwards in the yaml file to find the name of the agent. :vartype xml: MjCambrianXMLConfig :ivar body_name: The name of the body that defines the main body of the agent. :vartype body_name: str :ivar geom_name: The name of the geom that are used for eye placement. :vartype geom_name: str :ivar check_contacts: Whether to check contacts or not. If this is True, then the contacts will be checked in the environment. :vartype check_contacts: bool :ivar init_pos: The initial position of the agent. Specific indices of the position are set when not None. The length of the tuple should be <= 3. None's are filled in at the end if the length is less than 3. :vartype init_pos: Tuple[float | None] :ivar init_quat: The initial quaternion of the agent. Specific indices of the quaternion are set when not None. The length of the tuple should be <= 4. None's are filled in at the end if the length is less than 4. :vartype init_quat: Tuple[float | None] :ivar perturb_init_pos: Whether to perturb the initial pos of the agent or not. If this is True, then the initial pos of the agent will be randomly adjusted based on a normal distribution. :vartype perturb_init_pos: bool :ivar use_action_obs: Whether to use the action observation or not. NOTE: If the MjCambrianConstantActionWrapper is used, this is not reflected in the observation, as in the actions will vary in the observation. :vartype use_action_obs: bool :ivar use_contact_obs: Whether to use the contact observation or not. If this is True, then the contacts will be included in the observation space of the agent. :vartype use_contact_obs: bool :ivar eyes: The eyes on the agent. The keys are the names of the eyes and the values are the configs for the eyes. The eyes will be placed on the agent at the specified coordinates. :vartype eyes: Dict[str, MjCambrianEyeConfig] .. py:class:: MjCambrianAgent(config, name) The agent class is defined as a physics object with eyes. This object serves as an agent in a multi-agent mujoco environment. Therefore, it must have a uniquely identifiable name. In our context, an agent has at any number of eyes and a body which an eye can be attached to. This class abstracts away the inner workings of the mujoco model itself to the xml generation/loading. It uses existing xml files that only define the agents, with which are going to be accumulating into one large xml file that will be loaded into mujoco. To support specific agent types, you should define subclasses that include agent specific configs (i.e. model_path, num_joints). :Parameters: * **config** (*MjCambrianAgentConfig*) -- The configuration for the agent. * **name** (*str*) -- The name of the agent. This is used to identify the agent in the environment. .. py:method:: generate_xml() Generates the xml for the agent. Will generate the xml from the model file and then add eyes to it. .. py:method:: apply_action(actions) Applies the action to the agent. This probably happens before step so that the observations reflect the state of the agent after the new action is applied. It is assumed that the actions are normalized between -1 and 1. .. py:method:: get_action_privileged(env) :abstractmethod: This is a deviation from the standard gym API. This method is similar to step, but it has "privileged" access to information such as the environment. This method can be overridden by agents which are not trainable and need to implement custom step logic. :Parameters: **env** (*MjCambrianEnv*) -- The environment that the agent is in. This can be used to get information about the environment. :returns: *List[float]* -- The action to take. .. py:method:: reset(spec) Sets up the agent in the environment. Uses the model/data to update positions during the simulation. .. py:method:: step() Steps the eyes and returns the observation. .. py:method:: render() Renders the eyes and returns the debug image. We don't know where the eyes are placed, so for simplicity, we'll just return the first eye's render. .. py:property:: has_contacts :type: bool Returns whether or not the agent has contacts. Walks through all the contacts in the environment and checks if any of them involve this agent. .. py:property:: observation_space :type: gymnasium.spaces.Space The observation space is defined on an agent basis. the `env` should combine the observation spaces such that it's supported by stable_baselines3/pettingzoo. The agent has three observation spaces: - {}: The eyes observations - action: The last action that was applied to the agent - contacts: Whether the agent has contacts or not .. py:property:: action_space :type: gymnasium.spaces.Space The action space is simply the controllable actuators of the agent. .. py:property:: qpos :type: numpy.ndarray Gets the qpos of the agent. The qpos is the state of the joints defined in the agent's xml. This method is used to get the state of the qpos. It's actually a masked array where the entries are masked if the qpos adr is not associated with the agent. This allows the return value to be indexed and edited as if it were the full qpos array. .. py:property:: pos :type: numpy.ndarray Returns the position of the agent in the environment. .. note:: the returned value, if edited, doesn't not directly impact the simulation. To set the position of the agent, use the `pos` setter. .. py:property:: init_pos :type: Tuple[float | None, float | None, float | None] Returns the initial position of the agent in the environment. .. py:property:: quat :type: numpy.ndarray `wxyz`. .. note:: The returned value, if edited, doesn't not directly impact the simulation. To set the quaternion of the agent, use the `quat` setter. :type: Returns the quaternion of the agent in the environment. Fmt .. py:property:: trainable :type: bool Returns whether the agent is trainable or not. .. py:property:: num_eyes :type: int Returns the number of eyes on the agent. .. py:class:: MjCambrianAgent2D(config, name) Bases: :py:obj:`MjCambrianAgent` Assumes the agent is moving on 2D plane and has a yaw hinge joint which is used to adjust orientation of the agent.